TAYM would like to express its heartfelt thanks to the following groups and organisations for their generous financial support, which has played a crucial role in advancing our mission of fostering young musical talent. Through their contributions, TAYM has been able to provide fantastic educational opportunities for young musicians.
Rockhampton Folk Music Festival:
The Rockhampton Folk Music Festival Outreach Project will, once again, be hosting a mini concert/workshop with TAYM students.
This year's event takes place on Saturday 14th June 11.00am - 12.00pm
Thornbury Lions:
TAYM is grateful for the continuing support of Thornbury Lions.Â
The Lions raise much of their funding through their Charity Book Shop in St Mary Shopping Centre, Thornbury.
Open Monday - Saturday 10.00am to 4.00pm, the shop offers a huge range of books, maps, jigsaws - and sheet music!
Thornbury Masonic Lodge:
Thornbury Masons raise funds for a range of local and national charities.
TAYM is very grateful for their ongoing support.
SCOPS Arts Trust:Â
The Arts Trust supports children's and young people's instrumental music education.
TAYM is delighted to have been awarded a grant in recognition of its contribution towards music education.