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TAYM Data Protection Policy 



The DPA 2018 sets out the framework for data protection law in the UK. It updates and replaces the Data Protection Act 1998, and came into effect on 25 May 2018. It was amended on 01 January 2021 by regulations under the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, to reflect the UK's status outside the EU. 



Everyone has the right under the Data Protection Act of  2018 to access personal information held about them by an organisation. 


Thornbury Area Youth Music (TAYM) is a local Music charity which aims to provide a balanced range of musical activities, taking into account the ages, development needs and interests of each child and young person.  


TAYM is committed to the objectives of the Data Protection Act & hereby declares the intention that all personal information held by TAYM will be treated in confidence.  Personal information will be held and used only in accordance with the terms of the act and other applicable legislation. 


TAYM will keep the minimum amount of personal information needed to perform its duties and will hold that information securely, using it only for appropriate purposes and not disclose it without proper authority. 


Any representative of TAYM (ie Trustees, Tutors & volunteers) will comply fully with this policy and the principles of the Data Protection Act.  TAYM will provide any training and advice necessary to enable our representatives to do so.  Deliberate breaches of this policy will be considered as gross misconduct and will render the representative liable to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. 


It is therefore the responsibility of every TAYM representative (ie Trustees, Tutors & volunteers) to be aware of their individual and collective responsibilities under the Act to make sure they comply with its provisions. 


Should any individual make a formal request to see information held about them, TAYM will provide the opportunity to see the information and to have it corrected or deleted if appropriate.  Persons may only request details about themselves and NO other person/s. 


All TAYM members are offered the chance to have their details removed from our database & our mailing list.  Once TAYM member information is no longer required for the purposes of TAYM we will appropriately store, remove or delete personal information. 









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