Our online safeguarding policy
We may use Zoom, Skype of FaceTime to deliver online tuition and musical activities.
Parents are advised to monitor their child’s online activity and to adjust any home filters appropriately. Please do keep an eye on online teaching activity; teachers know to expect that parents will often be in sight or hearing distance of the sessions.
Staff from TAYM will initiate the online meetings not students.
Where there are others in your household, you need to alert them when your child is working online to avoid anyone else walking in/calling out in a way you would not want other students, their parents, or staff to see/hear.
Staff/student 'dress code' is an extremely important point. Everyone is likely to be more relaxed in their own home but please ensure your child has consideration for dress code especially if the weather warms up. As ever, please do not allow your child to be dressed inappropriately when online.
No personal details, phone numbers and address etc be shared during the online session.
Please enable an appropriate space for online work which as far as possible has a ‘neutral background’. Teaching is the focus of this activity rather than home décor.
If you do not have facilities at home to allow them to join us online please do let us know. We may be able to find a way to help.